Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekend at NSUH

Elsie Low from Facilities Services at North Shore University Hospital shared how she was able to pitch in over the weekend. Elsie said the staff worked together throughout the weekend to address all patient needs during the storm. They loaned out over 170 Aerobeds and countless linens for team members who slept at the hospital, to be available around the clock for patient care. 

Elsie said she had a great experience with the incredible staff at NSUH. She shared photos of the bedding distribution areas and from Long Beach where luckily she didn't have any home damage.

Lucky Break

Joyce Donohue from Corporate Human Resources shared these photos of her Hurricane Irene experience.
In the top of the picture, you can see Joyce pulling her car out  slowly from under fallen tree branches. Ironically, Joyce had just gotten her car back from the collision shop after having more than $7,000 worth of damage from the hail storm at the beginning of August. Luckily, she was able to pull her car out and the tree fell on the ground with little damage to her car. The new hurricane damage to her car was able to be quickly repaired Monday night.

This is her grandson, Nicholas who was helping find fish that floated out of neighborhood ponds and into the storm drain in front of his house.